Urgent! return pump zapped livestock & me

quick breakdown

past two weeks i noticed some corals were declining & i wasn’t able to find out exactly why,
lost two fish and a cleaner shrimp and still i couldn’t figure out why
parameters were all good, no changes in lighting or anything else
nothing infected or had pests so i was really confused. especially since the remaining fish/shrimp were acting weird
put my hand in the water to move a rock and got zapped. endured that a bit more by unplugging things and testing again until i got to the return pump, only zapped me when it was plugged in, couldn’t find any signs of anything broken, loose connections or anything really. got a temporary pump from a local and ordered a new pump
it was a pretty cheap amazon pump that was less than 6 months old

lesson learned, sucks but i’m glad i found the cause before anything else happened
past two weeks i noticed some corals were declining & i wasn’t able to find out exactly why,
lost two fish and a cleaner shrimp and still i couldn’t figure out why
parameters were all good, no changes in lighting or anything else
nothing infected or had pests so i was really confused. especially since the remaining fish/shrimp were acting weird
put my hand in the water to move a rock and got zapped. endured that a bit more by unplugging things and testing again until i got to the return pump, only zapped me when it was plugged in, couldn’t find any signs of anything broken, loose connections or anything really. got a temporary pump from a local and ordered a new pump
it was a pretty cheap amazon pump that was less than 6 months old

lesson learned, sucks but i’m glad i found the cause before anything else happened

What brand and model was the cheap pump?

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What brand was the return pump that shocked your tank??
What did it feel like when you had your hand in the tank? Was it a very serious shock or a slight tingle?? I think I may be having the same issue. My fire shrimp just died but he is 2+ years old and they don’t live long. My cleaner shrimp seems to be good as ever.

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