I was looking at some of the older diy threads and I was wondering if anyone knew if ratkiller still helped out drilling glass tanks for people? Thanks
Do you also do overflow boxes? This is going to be my first tank drilled and I’m not sure about all the proper things to do I’ve always had a overflow box but hated it. I moved and am setting up the tank again and want to do it right
$75 for the first hole, five dollars per additional hole after that.
Yes, I can certainly install overflow boxes… There are a number of them available online which you can purchase (Amazon, Glass-Holes.com) which I can then drill & install.
Hey Chris hope all is going well in Tennessee. I had a question do you know any one here in California that drill tanks and put in a over flow box in. I'm getting a tank from my daughter thsnks
Hey Chris hope all is going well in Tennessee. I had a question do you know any one here in California that drill tanks and put in a over flow box in. I'm getting a tank from my daughter thsnks