Flat Worm ID Help!


Registered SDR User
Hey Everyone!

Just found these guys on my tank today and I'm not sure what kind of flatworm they are. Checked my acros and I don't see any flatworms or eggs. I dusted them with a syringe and nothing came off so fingers crossed that they seem to look fine for now. What would be a good method of getting rid of these?



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Six line wrasse can take care of them, however they are not too friendly with other wrasses.

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Second on being careful with flatworm exit. I used it year or two ago.. Thought I was prepared.. But I had A LOT more than expected that came out where ever they were hiding. Couldn't net them out fast enough.
Ended up killing some of my fish. So yeah, I would do manual removal for a couple of weeks first if possible.
Yeah, I read a lot about it and thankfully this is a nano tank so doing large water changes isn't too hard for me. I went around last night trying to blow as many off the rock as I could but not much came off so maybe I got lucky and I got it early. Either way, gonna prep for the worst and hope for the best.
Second on being careful with flatworm exit. I used it year or two ago.. Thought I was prepared.. But I had A LOT more than expected that came out where ever they were hiding. Couldn't net them out fast enough.
Ended up killing some of my fish. So yeah, I would do manual removal for a couple of weeks first if possible.
I used flatworm exit before, kept low dosage and used carbon filter for cleaning right after. There was another option i used, was reef safe and all it did was knock them out. You'd see them floating from top to bottom, literally knocked them out cold and gave me enough time to siphon them out. It was a good alt use, I'll get the name and post it once I find the bottle.
be careful with that stuff

i used to put a toothbrush on the end of a siphon tube and get them out that way with a filter sock at the end and put the water back
Another good idea that I did was siphon them to a net attached to a bucket with a return pump pushing the water back into the tank. Literally had the mesh net at the end completely filled. So so many.

1. Siphon out as many as you can with long section of rigid airline tubing connected to regular airline. Run this line into a small micron sock, bag, or sieve placed in your sump below. Remove as many as you can.

2. Add the flatworm exit per instructions.

3. Run carbon in a canister or somewhere in your sump for 24 hrs.
I did the flatworm exit yesterday and it worked great! Ended up having to 2x the dose but I got most of the flatworms. Nothing was harmed, maybe my trachy is a bit mad but other than that everything looks fine.

However, today I did see another flatworm that somehow survived yesterday. I'm thinking of dosing again in a few days to get any stragglers and repeating maybe a few more times to get any potential flatworms that hatched from eggs.