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  • Hello, for some reason my mailbox has been reduced to 50 emails. I have a Premium Membership. Paid May 5th 2023.

    Good morning! Thanks for hosting/running this forum! Have a question about the SDR Photo hosting.. It's super useful! Is there a way to delete photos I've uploaded? For the life of me, I can't find a option to delete any pics. Thanks in advanced!
    Hello - I would like to post my aquarium for sale but cannot figure out how to post to the for sale forum. Can you help?
    Hey there, been on the forum for awhile but can’t seem to figure out how to post on here . I’m in need of a harlequin shrimp to help with aiptasia starfish. Was wondering if anyone had one or two to rent out, or buy if need be.
    Hi. I'm new to this forum. Could you, please, explain to me how do I add images to my posts? Images are located on my computer. If I click on that "image" icon, it asks me to paste a URL. What would be a URL for images on a personal computer? Thanks!
    hello admin/owner i was wondering what the guidelines are for screen names on this site? I was just browsing the forums and noticed there is someone who has the exact SN as me but its uppercase and has a space . my SN is cardiffreef and his name is CARDIFF REEF was wondering is this is a glitch, considering this might confuse members serching for a screen name. i was seeing if this can be modified since i have had the SN first. Thanks again Taylor/ cardiffreef
    Hi. I'm new to this forum. Could you, please, explain to me how do I add images to my posts? Images are located on my computer. If I click on that "image" icon, it asks me to paste a URL. What would be a URL for images on a personal computer? Thanks!
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